
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Shadow’s Eve 2022 – Until November 1, 2022! page

Cool mounts love the llamas and direwolf.

Commented on: Sensational Shadow’s Eve Offers – Until November 1, 2022! page

Now that’s a good lookin unique pack

Commented on: Bird of Paradise mod

Finally another bird of paradise looking good 👍 nice job

Commented on: Formal Frog mod

It’s Kermit !!!

Commented on: Vibrant Joy - Mod Pack Challenge page

Nice juke box character costume and dragon.

Commented on: Vibrant Joy - Mod Pack Challenge page

If there going to have a vibrant joy contest the least they can do is make a Ganda that can’t walk across the sky creating rainbows under it. Then add it in the troves of wonders and make it just as rare as Ganda as a new goal. I’m not an artist and it would need to look sic. Lol so yeah just throwing ideas here.

Commented on: Shadowy Spotlight - PTS Patch Notes page

If there going to have a vibrant joy contest the least they can do is make a Ganda that can’t walk across the sky creating rainbows under it. Then add it in the troves of wonders and make it just as rare as Ganda as a new goal. I’m not an artist and it would need to look sic. Lol so yeah just throwing ideas here.

Commented on: Twitch Drops return to Trove! page

Twitch drops don’t work so I give up I really wanted the Skittering Spacebug ally, but looks like I’m gonna have to stick with my luck with luxion it’s a big disappointment. Funny cause redeem code works, but if you link your twitch it doesn’t give you your drops after you claim them in you notifications so I just unlinked twitch and quit and I tried twice.