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Commented on: Trove turns 6 years old, win a Magic Trove Carpet page
- I am not OLD in trove but I have been around 1 year and something and since I started playing this game with one of my friends, we spent hours and hours on call trying to defeat the bosses of the beginner maps we also spent a lot of time in bomber royale trying to farm coins to get a dragon and other mounts but soon after we met someone who helped us increase power in trove I must admit that I liked the game a lot when I was with them, although later my friend of playing for other occupations, I finished playing with the person who instructed us how to play (at least the basics) and well after a few months he had to leave for the same reason after that I stayed playing alone in trove for a while until out of nowhere I got an invitation from a club, in that club I learned about many other things in trove I met very good people and nice people, currently there are only a few people left from the first ones I met and new faces that I continue to speak with I have been with them for a long time so far, I am very grateful for having met the people I know today and I continue to play with them, I hope to see the first people I started to play with again. for now I will continue to play with them until I have to go back to my business.
att: pana 🦖's