
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: King Steed Feed XIV giveaway

Yo guys. Is that technoblade?

Commented on: Candy Pandie giveaway

Fun fact: I won't win

Commented on: Streamer Dream giveaway

Bruh why you scrolling to the bottom of the comments? Nothing interesting here anyways. But just cause you tried I'll give you a free reward.

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Commented on: Expired Explorer giveaway

Boutta have a hecking gamer moment.

Commented on: Tombstone Tempest collection

Gunslinger is my main and this outfit looks awesome. A restock soon would be awesome.

Commented on: Kami Ketch giveaway

Do you ever realize ice is just crunchy water?

Commented on: Sunfilled Volume giveaway

This be a real gamer moment