
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Gema prismática magistral item

Je le veux ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Commented on:

BONJOUR à tous ça va ?

Commented on: Kami Ketch giveaway

I like boat !

Commented on: A.T.M.O.S. - D-R4C collection

OK, now I wait for Atmos D-RAC

But, little question, when we can craft it ?wink

Commented on: MonShifter mod

Seriously, it's awsome

Commented on: the wolf king art

I want this in Trove laughing

Commented on: Ba Ba art

OMG so creepy and strong, we can't fight it

Commented on: Clockwork Controller giveaway

OK I have just no luck but this time …

Commented on: Demonic Inferno giveaway


Tout le monde aime ça voyons !

Commented on: Enforced Eradicator giveaway

bon, dans 4 jours on est fixés smile

Commented on: Demonic Inferno giveaway

J'ai vraiment hâte !

J'espère avoir de la chance !laughing