
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Untitled Goose Mount mod

Ouch, rejected by the goose 

Commented on: Heart mod

Nice heart! ❤️

Commented on: [Costume] Cyaneon Sorcerer mod

Amazing ice sage costume!

Commented on: Yvendor, aegis of the ancients mod

Nice reskin, keep it up. 

Commented on: Love Dance Pad mod

Can now dance my heart out in valentine style, great work. 

Commented on: Lovelarys, Seraph of the Lovely Vale mod

liked this!


I’d love to see what you have in store for us trovians to come 

Commented on:

I thank you etaew for putting this together so I don’t have to download each individually 

Commented on: Expired Explorer giveaway

Good luck everyone, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Commented on: Loveri of the Heart mod

Illuri needed a reskin and this is by far my favorite, keep up the good work

Commented on: Speeder Bike mod

As a Star Wars fan I needed some mounts like this 

Commented on: Lovelarys, Seraph of the Lovely Vale mod

I love the colors, Carys needed a change and this fits perfectly with the season, amazing work and keep it up!

Commented on: Little Pink Puffin mod

Omg it’s so adorable, can’t wait to download when I’m on tomorrow

Commented on: Gehrman, The First Hunter mod

liked this!


Now all we need are monsters for every fight up to it 

Commented on: Gehrman, The First Hunter mod

Amazing work on the mod, Dotm might not be so bad to fight anymore

Commented on: Exploring Gem Potential page

Great gem guide.