
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: August Site Update page

Oh I see it now, that's what I get for commenting late at night, thanks!

Commented on: August Site Update page

As an after-thought, pages could include a button to make the icon their profile picture by forcibly assigning the image file's name to their Chat Icon section. Though, I'm not in Web Development so I'm not sure on how feasible a minor quality of life change would be on time. Honestly, not a huge concern really!

Commented on: August Site Update page

Perhaps a way to edit comments? (Unless I'm blind and can't figure out how!)

Users could also have a few default profile icons to choose from (could range from the character classes, various mount/enemy icons, etc) if they're having trouble setting up their own. Maybe even a combination of default choices, and then the option to choose your own through a link directly underneath?

Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page

Definitely liking the revamped design choices in comparison to the old piece. Armor choice is fitting, and I like the changes to his pauldron. The split look really works best for the Dracolyte, and keeping the funny looking dragon helps lighten the tone.

My only minor change would be the background. In comparison to the previous works (Candy Barb, Tomb Raiser) the backgrounds seem to be more detailed than this one. Maybe a cave or structure styled from the Dragonfire Peaks could prove to be a better fit while maintaining the fire aura. If using a dark area like a cave, there could be an interesting contrast with how the fire aura lights up parts of the cave or even have the shadow of the Dracolyte reflect his Avatar of Flame form.

All and all, great job! Always nice to see how an artist constantly improves throughout their various works.