
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Clean VFX Item Drops mod

I like this mod a lot. The reason i like it is because of the performance. In that respect it could be even better. I personally only need the bars. The extra stuff is unnecessary and bogs the system down especially when items on the ground get stuck and don't unload. It may also be worth noting that it conflicts with another mod that removed the circle vfx from jumps. 👍

Commented on: Round Compass mod


Wow finally someone noticed!

I didn't notice until after I had released it but I can't play trove anymore. Feel free to fix it. I increased the rate at which it updates but that changed the value.

I never found the exact value useful, only the way it changes.

Commented on: Round Compass mod


I don't have steam. Somebody else is welcome to do this though.

Commented on: Modding 101 Chapter 6: Creation of a .tmod page

Mac users can get it to work. The actual trove binary is in

/Applications/Trion Games/

the extractions and building commands should work with identical parameters.