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Characters that this user has created, this includes names images and what styles they use. This is intended for those who like to share their created characters appearance.

Bosak "The most handsome Revenant in whole Trove"
The most handsome Revenant in history of Trove. Great warrior smashing enemies with his powerful saw-spear and giant chronoshiled. Always taking on his chest the hardest damage and almost always survives. Respects those who fighting with honor and his loyality is almost as legendary as fact that he is the most handsome revenant. He saved many lifes from instantly death and helped many trovians solve their problems.
The most handsome Revenant in history of Trove. Great warrior smashing enemies with his powerful saw-spear and giant chronoshiled. Always taking on his chest the hardest damage and almost always survives. Respects those who fighting with honor and his loyality is almost as legendary as fact that he is the most handsome revenant. He saved many lifes from instantly death and helped many trovians solve their problems.
Shadow Hunter

Buck "Always angry ram"
Very good sharpshooter with a flair to close-range fight. He is always angry and noone know why even himself. But fighting can give him a moment of calm. Works as a mercenary mainly does adventures for good amount of adventurine.
Very good sharpshooter with a flair to close-range fight. He is always angry and noone know why even himself. But fighting can give him a moment of calm. Works as a mercenary mainly does adventures for good amount of adventurine.

Buren "Archenemy of Bosak"
Archenemy of Bosak. Loyal servant of darkness only waiting for mistakes of his enemies. And when they are making them he hits with power of giant falling stone. His strenght and other features are similar like Bosak's. He even trying to be handsome but he never did it. However Buren is very dangerous enemy and Bosak must use all his power to stop his evil plans.
Archenemy of Bosak. Loyal servant of darkness only waiting for mistakes of his enemies. And when they are making them he hits with power of giant falling stone. His strenght and other features are similar like Bosak's. He even trying to be handsome but he never did it. However Buren is very dangerous enemy and Bosak must use all his power to stop his evil plans.
Tomb Raiser

Cleo "Bosak's girl"
This beauty girl once upon a time has been saved by Bosak during very hard fight. After this she fell in love with him and Bosak surely noticed that. Sometimes they meet each other in bar and drink incredible amounts of beer.
This beauty girl once upon a time has been saved by Bosak during very hard fight. After this she fell in love with him and Bosak surely noticed that. Sometimes they meet each other in bar and drink incredible amounts of beer.

Craig "Unstoppable"
Knight known also as a Cold Slayer is unstoppable killing machine. Many times prooved his posibilities in battle and always is in great condition even in critical situations. Raised on Permafrost Craig knows some Ice Sages especially Lilith secret agent in forces of Darkness.
Knight known also as a Cold Slayer is unstoppable killing machine. Many times prooved his posibilities in battle and always is in great condition even in critical situations. Raised on Permafrost Craig knows some Ice Sages especially Lilith secret agent in forces of Darkness.
Candy Barbarian

Freddy "Nice-looking but brutal"
Maybe he looks like some famous singer but instead of singing he prefer destoying things. But when he is destroying he makes it with incredible grace and fineness and his body moving like professional acrobat. Ally of noble house Carys and blessed by Cygnus has great power able to smash shadow.
Maybe he looks like some famous singer but instead of singing he prefer destoying things. But when he is destroying he makes it with incredible grace and fineness and his body moving like professional acrobat. Ally of noble house Carys and blessed by Cygnus has great power able to smash shadow.

Grim Dragon Monk "Enigmatic and quiet"
Walking in dark Grim Monk member of ancient and almost non-existing order from the highest mountains of Dragonfire Peaks is looking for something or someone in Trove. Sometimes seen in Geode. Noone knows what is his purpose.
Walking in dark Grim Monk member of ancient and almost non-existing order from the highest mountains of Dragonfire Peaks is looking for something or someone in Trove. Sometimes seen in Geode. Noone knows what is his purpose.
Lunar Lancer

Haranshaan "White Demon"
Rare sight herald of doom and some unavoidable disaster. He dosen't care who are you- trovian geodian shadow he is bringing always only death for everyone. And if someone will survive must be careful. Because White Demon never sleep.
Rare sight herald of doom and some unavoidable disaster. He dosen't care who are you- trovian geodian shadow he is bringing always only death for everyone. And if someone will survive must be careful. Because White Demon never sleep.
Dino Tamer

Lieutenant Borys "Exellent tactician"
Soldier with tactical genius always have plan for every occasion. His war experience is priceless and many trovians asked him about little training in war tactics. Thanks to his talents and endurance he can take down stronger enemies even if it means long arduous fight.
Soldier with tactical genius always have plan for every occasion. His war experience is priceless and many trovians asked him about little training in war tactics. Thanks to his talents and endurance he can take down stronger enemies even if it means long arduous fight.
Ice Sage

Lilith the chaos sage "Nobody expect her. Never"
Pretending a shadow warrior but its only a delusion to come closer the greatest enemy of every Trovian and hit with precision and coolness of great Ice Sage. Many times seen in Geode when she was looking for ancient artifacts and powerful weapons.
Pretending a shadow warrior but its only a delusion to come closer the greatest enemy of every Trovian and hit with precision and coolness of great Ice Sage. Many times seen in Geode when she was looking for ancient artifacts and powerful weapons.
Ice Sage

Liz "Lilith's sister"
Sister of Lilith the chaos sage. Very calm and quiet but it doesn't mean she cannot kick some asses. Don't disregard her because if you do you can end as a block of ice.
Sister of Lilith the chaos sage. Very calm and quiet but it doesn't mean she cannot kick some asses. Don't disregard her because if you do you can end as a block of ice.
Fae Trickster

Miri the Chaos Fae "Only waiting to bamboozle you"
Little spy in enemy ranks works as a saboteur and secret agent of Trovians. Together with Lilith Chaos Sage only pretending servant of chaos and she is doing it really good.
Little spy in enemy ranks works as a saboteur and secret agent of Trovians. Together with Lilith Chaos Sage only pretending servant of chaos and she is doing it really good.
Pirate Captain

Vilkov "Vostoyan commissar"
Noble commissar from planet Vostoya always keep his soilders in line no matter what. Shadow, chaos, monsters Vilkov and his officers always fight to last man
Noble commissar from planet Vostoya always keep his soilders in line no matter what. Shadow, chaos, monsters Vilkov and his officers always fight to last man