
Goldwing Falkanzer Cub

Loyal unto death, Falkanzers cubs are highly sought after as companions and guardians for those born to the noblest lineages.

Designed by: Trove Team


Themes: Radiant Mastery



Loyal unto death, Falkanzers cubs are highly sought after as companions and guardians for those born to the noblest lineages.

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Goldwing Falkanzer Cub


  • 30.0% Critical Damage
  • 33 Energy Regen
Loyal unto death, Falkanzers cubs are highly sought after as companions and guardians for those born to the noblest lineages.

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.



Unlocked through Mastery rewards tree at Trove Mastery level 260

Unlocked on reaching Mastery Rank: 260

Last updated 5 years ago by Ylva

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Updated: 6 years ago

Created: 7 years ago

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[Goldwing Falkanzer Cub]


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