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Hi there!
Its good to see interest in making dungeons, but Twigles is correct, all reviews are currently postponed and sadly i do not have a date when this will be ongoing again.
If, however, reviews were happening i would need to type out few things.
First of, it is a really nice lair for first attempt! And yes, making dungeons is much more complicated. Here are few useful guides if you havnt checked them out yet.
[Dungeon Creation Guide],
[more detailed dungeon guide](), [guide to plugs, sockets and blockers]).
But lets take a look at what you already made. Twigles already mentioned few crucial moments (thank you /u/Twigles !), but i ll repeat just in case. There will be lots of text, dont let it discourage you.
You dont need to put .qb files in dropbox, only .blueprint and .dungeon. You have a dungeon file, but you didnt save it as lair_name.dungeon (with file extension being a .dungeon, not .txt). Next, for .dungeon to work you need plugs and sockets in your blueprints, i couldnt locate any at all, please check the guides. For dungeon to spawn into the world it needs Red plug, rest is used to attach variable rooms to eachtother.
About .dungeon file itself:
Type = lair
Blueprint = luminopolis_neon_lair
Quantity = 1
Blueprint = level_01_entrance
Quantity = 1
Weight = 0.33
Blueprint = level_02_floor
Quantity = 1
weight = 0.33
Blueprint = boss_floor
Quantity = 1
That is saying you have 4 blueprints, Piece 0 spawns 1 time for sure, Piece 1 spawns 1 time with 0.33 chance, Piece 2 spawns 1 time with 0.33 chance and boss room spawns 1 time for sure.
Chance (weight) if needed when you have variations of rooms. You do not have any variations, there are no plug or sockets on rooms and you have a blueprint listed which is not a blueprint but .qb (luminopolis_neon_lair). And that one seems to have full lair assembled? You do not need to make such full models, in game lair gets assembled according to your .dungeon file so lets get back to that.
Lets say you 2 different options for entrance, 2 versions of level 02 and two boss rooms. Then you put all 6 blueprint names in .dungeon file, and assign weigh and quantity. With that game engine would be able to pick a variation to spawn. And yes, for dungeons on review we do require at least 2 options of each room.
You do need to place monsters, traps, portals (at least exit portal on completion) and boss spawner. All those elements are in your building inventory in /metaforge by default.
Decorations are not reuired but usually its good to use a bit at least for lighting.
That should be it for technical side.
As for visuals, [Material Maps](http://trove.wikia.com/wiki/Material_Map_Guide) work for dungeons too, so making some of those neon colors glowing could be nice :)
At the moment rooms look a bit plane, and i dont mean colors, they are very colorful but for players its just a straight run, may be you could add some obstacles or walls or anything else inside gameplay room and boss room to increase time players would spend in it? (this could be a good source of variations)
This should be it for now, hope it wasnt too much to read.
Best of luck with your lair!