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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Trovian Tumbler Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Sunfest Daily Login Bonus Celebration! page
Commented on: Chaos Coin Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway
The reward is 4 dragons, regardless of the signups, so if we don't reach said albairn will a random dragon of the 3 we have reached be rolled for the 4th winner, assuming your winners are programmed in to the system to automate a roll?
Commented on: Colouring Contest page
I just actually sorted my pencil crayons apart from markers and pencils and pens that were all messy so I could live easier when I needed a pen. Guess I might do this since the time is right. Now how do I get this on paper? Do I need to print it or is a replication of the lines such as a trace allowed? I don't have a printer. But took grade 12 art a while back since I had a course I needed to fill and loved the tracing regardless of being bad at art.
Commented on: Neverending Necrowmancer giveaway
I wish everyone the best of luck, it's a code right? Or if I buy one now i can resell later. Either way I'll buy one when it's cheap and resell if I win and not claim it If and only if I win.
Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page
I just say E T A as in the acronym for Estimated time of arrival...the say ew as if I were to pronounce a u (or a double o sound for best accuracy.) E.T.A.oo