
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page

This is one of my favorite revamps of yours, but my only criticism is that the mini cute dragon pet doesn't fit with the whole darkness feeling. I love him, but if the dragon was a bit more into the theme this would make the piece even better.

Commented on: August Site Update page

This is an easy one for me: Create an overall or main discord/ts chat for Trove. Many players have mics and need questions answered.

Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page

You have been a amazing person throughout trove. Whenever I see your articles or comments on Trovesaurus, it brightens my day. I hope you have a merry birthday. 



P.S. Pronounce it in a yelling tone like so: E TAH EEEW (You know, because you're secretly a ninja, and you told me not to tell anyone... oh....)

Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page

Dear Etaew,


Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page

Well Avarem, looks like you avoid our questions as always, I see you have decided to talk about the future, which I am super hyped about. Thanks for all you've done mate.

Commented on: Dragon Giveaway giveaway

GL to all, and SIGN UP! 500 more until the Hidden Dragon!

Commented on: Class Art #5 - Candy Barbarian page

I love how you stuck with an idea, and made it better, good work as always!

Commented on: Gold Feedback page

The price is so cheap :O!

Commented on: Dragon Giveaway giveaway

Dang, I hope I win something, GL to all!

Commented on: August Site Goals page

I believe there should be more in depth guide lines on making a weapon using troxel