Trovesaurus account created June 20, 2018
Heya! So as of this, I main the Lunar Lancer on Trove PC. Strange class to main huh? I've put my heart and soul into my LL, and he doesn't fail to impress me. His gems need work yet, and I have yet to take on u9 and soloing normal towers, but I'm sure he'll get there. The next class I plan to work on is my Dracolyte, then probably my Gunslinger.
My favorite part about Trove is probably everything! Everything is different from the other games that claim to be like it. I would though prefer the devs listen a bit more to the community (starfire dragon is basically impossible).
I am NO professional, nor am I anywhere near end game. I prefer to take it slow. My LL is just above 8k pr.
That's about it! As I progress more, this will be updated more. Have a great day/night depending on when you're reading this! ❤