
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Cinnabar Squad Quad giveaway

Even with my luck i will not win.

Commented on: Devilish Simian collection

I still can't take seriously the fact that it's now official costume.
Actually, PROfessOriginal, great work!

Commented on: Dullahan Revenant art

Actually, it's very nice!

Commented on:

Could someone give it an invitation to the oculist? This beetle is blind!

Commented on: Spore Logo mod

Yes, People still remember Spore. Spore - one of my first game-simulators, and i still have got this game on my PC + i have got sooooo many creatures based on other characters from other universes.

Commented on: Spaghetti Monster mod

Lol, very nice

Commented on: Dunny loves you art

I can see that you are from Russian Federation

Commented on: Arcanium Mech mod

Well,.. welcome to our ряды модеров! i hope you'll get modder role too

Commented on: Arcanium Mech mod

Well, i can see - you are from russia, yeah?

Commented on: Saminator-Chibi mod

Please don't look at this very big hat. He stole this hat from one of Saminators and he's ready for big adventure with you.

Commented on: Dragon Egg Fragment Mob Way-points mod

I have got a question: can you fix a Punchbot's model? cause somewhere it's weird

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod

Is.... is this killed thing working?