
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Stone Bricks Decoration creation

Stone Bricks status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Faerie Archer mod


Hm? how exactly it's broken? Could you tell more?

Commented on:

Oh yeah by the way it affects all platforms where this recipe can be crafted

Commented on:

contination since i forgor:
Editing the "C_MT_boat_large_basic_02" blueprint and putting "c_mt_boat_large_basic_wheel_01" where it was supposed to be located as part of "C_MT_boat_large_basic_02" should fix the issue

Commented on: Sinister Snowman collection

10/10, best mount that i've ever seen in Trove

Commented on: MK VII Frostbyte Armor mod


Your wish has came true))

Commented on: Harpy Nest Helmet creation

Harpy Nest status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Tiky mod


ugh... pressing the download button, then placing them inside the "override" folder?