
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Alduir, Autumn's Retreat giveaway

Good luck everyone :)

Commented on: Dubstep Duo art

Amazingly done, great job!

Commented on: Database Update - Friday Fright Fest Edition page

Some really nice stuff hiding in the files!

Commented on: Mod Contest Interest event

I'd be up for it if I get some spare time!

Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page

Eh Too

Commented on: Trove Interview Question Collection page

Are there plans for a Halloween event that is different from the previous years?

Commented on: Modding Experiences Promotion page

I found out about modding after seeing a few players talking about it in game, which lead me to the forums to find out more.
I use the Trove Modloader but also tend to install them manually since I mod a lot myself.
Some of my favourite mods come from Aviarei, particularly her Aurim Dragon mod. I'm also rather fond of Zelda related mods.
I would love to see some more candy themed costumes and mounts!

Commented on: Gold Feedback page

Hey, that's pretty good!

Commented on: Unhandled task / 154 task

Interesting idea, I really like it!