
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: creation

T-Rex's Rage status has been set to Active

Commented on: creation

T-Rex's Rage status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Ancient Drake Decoration creation

Ancient Drake status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Returning Players page

Just updated to add Geode and Improvements update.

Commented on: Cookie Madness art

These cookies are amazing! 

I call dibs on the Pinata Cookie!

Commented on: The Trove Aquarium! :D art

Really like how you have the fish in an aquarium. The Crimson Siltdancer looks so cute <3

Commented on: A Long Day of Fishing art

This does not to fit within the criteria of the contest:

"Create fan art that features any of the Trove Fish that can be found when fishing in water, lava, chocolate or plasma."

What you have here is a Trovian doing the act of fishing. This contest is a Fish Art Contest, not a Fishing Art Contest.

Commented on: Artist x Modder Signup event

this seems interesting, I might just add myself as a modder

Commented on: Chaotic Dragon art

its not just a mod anymore :3

Commented on: Modders Interview (SkyRider3217) page

"sky ...UI we need U.I. mods

mounts and dragons ...meh, there is already alot of those

we need UI mods, vfx cubes and not those you have to stand on to activate, lol

wings like neon nightsky, but purple (hahaha this one is perso ;) )"

You asking me of something I do not have much experience with (which in this case it is UI and VFX mods). I am aware that they are more quote on quote "popular" in most cases but it would take me quite a bit of time to learn how to make.

I prefer to do things I am more comfortable with, not that I am saying that I won't do it, I have already a few VFX mods on my list but I had help with it since I have little to no experience with those programs. 


"more things to look out for, through exploration, rather than adding things we are speed rushing, because we can

steps scripted boss !

world bosses like dragons, but way bigger, and much more dangerous and rewarding ;)"

Also you are asking something that is more of the devs job to do, not me. I am not a dev nor am I responsible for any updates revolving around gameplay.

Commented on: Smol Primordial Dragons art

very cute, love the water Prim. dragon <3


Commented on: Merry Snowfest! art

very cute <3

Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #9 poll

Voted: Chloromancer

Commented on: Class Art #7 - Dino Tamer page

Personally, I like the other class arts better than this one. However this one is still well made with the same style as the others. It really gives a sort of ominous feel of the deep dark forests. I'm sad to hear Lushie won't be able to make more art, I was hoping to see her make Chloromancer, but I can understand that sometimes Life can get in the way of things and is more importent to some people.