
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: TheSymbols Club Tag Mod mod

Arion's quitting?!
*weeps quietly*

Commented on: OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU!! Aura! NANIIII!!??? mod

Please make one that replaces the Holy Halo.

For a wider demographic.

Commented on: Caelysia, the Sundered mod

Please make one that replaces Palashien!
It looks good!

Commented on: Only Power Rank and Sigil mod

Thank you.

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod

Conspiracy theory:
"Will not work as .tmod" is just an lie to make us use our brains to install mods and make us tired.

ExoDave is wearing us out so that we do not have enough power to resist his overtaking of the universe.

ExoDave isn't helping us,

He is trying to rule us all.

Commented on: Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod

cannot stress how much more aesthetically pleasing my game looks!
Thank you so much!

As a person who values aesthetics a helluvalot, I can't thank you enough!



Commented on: Batty Treathunter mod

Tis cute!

Commented on: Trovesaurus 2nd Birthday event

So excited!

Commented on: Candy Llama Contest page

Sally's a really good friend.

Any time I felt blue she would come and give me some ice cream.

It was strawberry though, I was more of a fan of chocolate.

But it's the thought that counts, am I right?

She's really sweet.

No pun intended.

- Journal Entry: Sally