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Commented on: precise crosshair colored mod
Commented on: Shadow Dreadnought mod
Commented on: Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod
ok i found the issue i had an outdated ui package mod i needed to get rid of and it works again ty <3
Commented on: Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod
i see, first i had both superior loot collector from exodave and this one and they both worked but then i updated my essential mods that i havent done in a while and since then it doesnt want to work no matter what i do, if i just have the advanced mod in it acts as if i have no loot collector mod and when i try putting the exodave superior with the advanced it doesnt auto unlock ive tried looking to see if i had any other mods that may have changed the loot collector there was one i suspected so i deleted it but to no affect
Commented on: Superior Loot Collector - Advanced mod
Commented on: Crimson Bloodmoon Ninja mod
Commented on: Demonic Harbinger of Chaos mod
Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod
Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod