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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Sam's Greatest Rival (Animation) art
Commented on: [Mount] Bomber Ro'Yata mod
Haha that's such a nifty combination! I never knew a pinata could look so badass! Great work Mate!
Commented on: Chaos Vanguardian mod
Commented on: Dino Boop art
This is absolutely adorable! If I were to give a suggestion, I'd try to make the cloth a bit more smooth. The scarf is rather jagged, and the shirt's left (from our perspective) sleeve is sharp on the corner. I'd definitely try to make those a bit more fluid, it'd definitely give it a more cloth-like appearance. Otherwise, I love this, great work!
Commented on: [Ally] Senor Prickle mod
Yay! I'm glad you uploaded this little fella, he's adorable! I love every detail, the stache, the brows, the accessories, I love it so much! Great job!
Commented on: Cygnaeris, Serenade of Sacred Skies mod
Commented on: Cygnaeris, Serenade of Sacred Skies mod
Commented on: [Mount] Stronghold Smasher mod
This is so freaking amazing dude! I love every bit of it, there are just so many details that come together to create a mech of pure awesomeness. The ram head ram is so well done, and the fire VFX you gave it is very impressive for (what I assume is) your first VFX mod! The spike rings throughout the legs also give it a really fierce look. I also really like the wood planks you made for the texture of the body. The one thing I have to suggest is to simplify the feet a bit, as the front two claws are a little messy. Something smaller and with less edges might make it look a bit cleaner. Otherwise, I have to say, this has to be one of my top favorite of all your mods, if not my top favorite of yours! Fantastic job Magic!
Commented on: Expired Explorer (Hecho con el Mouse/raton) art
Be sure to tag this with #Evilfest if your intention was to enter it into the contest :)
Commented on: Tomb Raiser art
I love that you managed to make the creepiest class look so pretty and elegant, very well done! I'm really glad to see more art from ya c:
Commented on: Classic Clam mod
Commented on: Country Communities page
What a great idea! I absolutely love the new page for Country Communities! It's really nice to see an organized layout of all of the artists and modders and such for each country. And I've always been curious of some people's nationality, and this is a great way to display it. I hope to see more awesome features like this in the future! Keep up the great work!
Commented on: Artist x Modder Signup event
Commented on: [Quad Mech] Spike Walker Prototype V1.2 mod
I thought this was hidden O_O
I haven't actually made the download yet, but it'll come soon!
Glad you're excited for it :)
Commented on: Next Render Teaser 2 art