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Commented on: Golden Sharp Shooter mod
Just looked it up and you're right, it was made by Milambit. I thought this was the case since it was in the store. My bad.
Commented on: Positivity Fortnight page
Where should I begin?
I was first curious about this game when I saw a video where Verlis pulled his Ganda from a Trove of Wonder. I didn't know what the game was at the time, so I scrolled through the comments, found the game, and downloaded it on Steam. It hooked me from the getgo. It was a simple game, but I liked that about this game. As time went on, I started gaining my wealth, and I heard about the streaming community from DismantleTime when he proclaimed his birthday stream. I had so much fun that day, and I tuned in whenever he streamed Trove in the future. I remember when I first heard about Radiant Utopia, when they had a pinata party. I fell in love with the world and wanted to join. Once I made my first radiant, a staff (which was pretty hard to do back when pentas cost about 40k a piece), the first thing I did was ask for an invite to the club. I did leave, but I came back after another pinata party and made some really good friends. I enjoy hanging out with people that I have come to know through the clubs I'm a part of. The grinding is fun, but when I get bored, I like to build up my personal club to break up the action, or mod when I feel like it. It's a fun thing to do, and the chance to get items in game (like the Leafy Levitators) is really awesome. I don't think any other game does something like that. And now, I'm in the top 400 rank of mastery with all classes at 30 and I'm still an active player of this game.
Wow, that was a long nostalga trip. Sorry for the wall of text.
Commented on: Tip Contest page