
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Gunslinger Art Contest Results page

 Gratz to the winners! All art was very fancy ^.^

Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #9 poll

Voted: Fae Trickster

Commented on: Dino Tamer Art Contest - Results page

Gratz to all ye winners, everything was very fancy and/or unique :D

Commented on: Line Art Contest Results page

 Gratz to the winners! ;3 All the lineart was very fancy.

Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? (Class #8) poll

Voted: Fae Trickster

fix class gem pls

explode on death instead of seeking pls

or change entirely pls

Commented on: Dragon Giveaway giveaway

About 30 min... GL ppl. 

Commented on: Take Wing at half the price! page

Stormcaller wings (Stormcaller's?) You'll find them in the store with the rest of them :)

Commented on: Gold Feedback page

Been messing around with it a bit, and it seems pretty cool. Customization is always fancy. I was going to suggest Gold-only giveaways, but it seems you're already working on it... If you implement the shoutbox again, maybe make a Gold only channel?

Commented on: Class Art #5 - Candy Barbarian page

Awesome, way better than my entry for the contest... This is my favorite class art yet, I can't wait to see the rest :D

As a bonus, it also happens to look almost the exact same way I imagined the CB :P

You can definitely see the improvement, I wonder how good Alycia will be in another year or so...

Commented on: August Site Goals page

Get the voting up and running, and maybe have some passive weekly votes for mods/art/guides that let people select the best (3? 5?) mods/art/guides from that week.

This would showcase some other people's hard work, and let those people feel recognized and awesome. This might inspire a few of the modders to add their mods to the forums as well, and get a chance for them to be implemented, rather than just leaving them on Trovesaurus because they believe nobody would appreciate them. (Seriously, there are some pretty cool mods that I'd love ingame but I can't find a forum post for them D:)

Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll

Voted: Fae Trickster

Don't judge ;p Nobody else will vote for it but <3 fae