Thanks everyone for taking part in our first Line Art Contest, this time we wanted to try a different style of contests and also this provides us with material to use in our upcoming Colouring Contest. Here are the results, this was super hard to choose.
Announcement: https://www.trovesaurus.com/page=1809/line-art-contest
Entries: https://www.trovesaurus.com/gallery.php?tag=Line%20Art%20Contest
Special Mention
Blackie created an excellent piece but passed on her prize so that other artists could have a chance. I'm a big fan of Quinnce's work, but she didn't manage to meet the deadline for this contest.
Due to the high quality submitted I've added some extra rewards (1 extra Pack and a entire second tier - we almost made it through a contest keeping to the reward limit).
The automated thumbnail on SunnyVisions entry was butchered, I highly suggest you view that directly.
First Tier (Packs)
Trovesaurus Chosen Winners
First Tier Random Winners
Second Tier (Griffons or Kiwis)
I've mailed each winner asking the choice, I'll try to fulfill all requests but it may be first come first served on some of them.