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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway giveaway
Don't know what these conatain, but hopefully one out of sixty of you lucky winners will show me!
Commented on: Big Blue Bronto Giveaway giveaway
Just realized I already had one of these mounts. so if I win i'll give it to one of you guys that message me. Xbox gamertag: DarkWatch9702
Commented on: Land Scaper 8000-T Giveaway giveaway
How does one giveaway stuff on this website? I'd like to help the community if possible
Commented on: Wyntegra Giveaway giveaway
Anyone else cringe when they see "I never win" or "select me pleeeaaase"? I know I do! Anyway, GL to all of you! and may the 0.08% be in your favor!
Commented on: All-Pine Artis Tree Pack page
For you guys that didn't know, the UFO mount works like a turtle tank, but doesn't have the decrease in movement speed, allowing it to easily be one of the best mining mounts. In my opinion, that's the only useful thing in this pack, besides the mastery you get from the other stuff, only if I had money... xD
Commented on: Llama Escape Giveaway giveaway
23.2% chance at getting a llama?! Oh boy! hopefully my luck in this giveaway is better than my RNG in trove lol. Good luck to everyone!
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
I didn't know this site exsisted until a month ago, but boy did it help me out lot! With this I can find mods (That I can't use bc i'm a console player, lol), Class guides, free stuff! (Thx, btw), and so much more! The fact that I can ask a question and get a response in about 5 minutes really helps in times of need. The only bad thing I can find in this site is that images will often not show on my screen. other than that one thing, good work and keep it up!
Commented on: Wyntegra Giveaway giveaway
OMG I saw someone use this mount in-game, it looks SICK! Good luck to everyone else in the giveaway, and may the 0.08% chance be ever in your favor! xD
Commented on: Forbidden Spires Modding Contest page
Commented on: Radiant PWN-E Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Turbo Duck Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Protagonist Panda Giveaway giveaway
Man, I love these! Sure, I only have a 2% chance of getting one but it's the thought of "what if" that keeps me going! I just can't wait for the Candy Panda giveaway!