It's quite useful to get a glimpse of what do you need to do to rank in the weekly challenges, with a single click, instead on painstakingly clicking on the "move by 10" buttons.
Extremely useful if you're maining Neon Ninja, makes those shuriken one-shots more often, because you won't "spoil" the stack when there's too much VFX/enemies around, and you can't see if the stack is filled or not.
Перевод на "руссиан", конечно, неплох, но, стоило оставить добрую половину названий в оригинальной стилистике, чтобы народ привыкал к их звучанию и "замечал" их на оригинале в чате.
Will the servers will be upgraded from potato-powered to (at least) hamster-powered?
Little known fact: if you put a 100-tonn boulder on a car - it's not gonna make a car slower, it's gonna make it a pancake. And *then* you'll be unable to fix the car. =)