Most people can't handle this much awesome.
대부분의 사람들은 이걸 멋지게 다룰줄 모릅니다

Awesome Ball
Awesome Ball

Fed on way too many sleeping victims during the warm summer nights.
더운 여름 밤에 먹고자고를 반복한 희생양입니다

Bouncy Black Bat
Bouncy Black Bat

Ate way too much fruit during the plentiful summer days.
풍요로운 여름날에 너무 많은 과일을 먹었습니다

Bouncy Brown Bat
Bouncy Brown Bat

Bounce up to the great blue yonder.
거대한 파랭이와 저쪽으로 방방 튀어 보세요

Blue Bounder
Blue Bounder

Packed with enough energy to blow up several dungeons.
몇몇의 던전은 날려버리기에 충분한 힘을 가지고 있습니다

Sugar Rusher
Sugar Rusher