Tutorial Rework

Rattle and roll all along the rail towers. When equipped, use [HK:EquipCart] and move over a Mag Rail to ride!

Inspired by Zehira flying overhead as he worked, the Shaper created another dragon in her image and presented it to the Sun Goddess as a token of his esteem.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +100 Lasermancy, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.

Press [HK:Leaderboards] to access Leaderboards

Good to see you, Trovian!

Welcome to the Hub, Trovian, It's me again! Come find me next to the Statue of the Sun Goddess.

Explore The Medieval Highlands to continue fighting the Shadows! The station next to me is the Atlas. It shows the whole known universe! Use the Atlas or press [HK:Atlas] to visit a Medieval Highlands World and start exploring Trove.

You made the jump to Medieval Highlands, great! Check your map [HK:Map], you should see Dungeons all around you. Go complete one!

You took that Dungeon down like a champ! Do it again, do it again, check your map, and do it again! AND DID YOU SEE THAT BLUE PORTAL? I'm not much of an adventurer, but I hear you can use those to get out of a completed dungeon lickety-split.

That was some great dungeon-crawling Trovian; you're looking stronger already! Meet up with me back in the hub by holding [HK:Homeworld]. I want to show you around! I'm next to the Sun Goddess Statue to the South of the Landing Pad. Check your COMPASS at the top of your screen to remember which direciton is South!

Cubits are great, and you can earn more every day by completing dungeons and filling your Star Bar. You can spend Cubits on all kinds of things from Style Stashes to Dragon Coins. Check out the Store and see if there are any sweet deals waiting for you! You can also check the store by pressing [HK:Store].