August 14, 2023

Use this key on an Everdark Vault.\n\nEverdark Vaults appear in the Shores of the Everdark after winning a battle in a colosseum.\n\nThis key grants an Empowered Gem for the ACTIVE CLASS at the time of use.
[職業寶石鑰匙]\n僅能用來開啟 Everdark Vault [永夜寶箱]\n\n在 Shores of the Everdark [永夜海岸] 於鬥獸場中獲勝後即會出現永夜寶箱\n使用此鑰匙開啟寶箱可獲得1顆恆星職業大寶石,該職業寶石僅可給開啟寶庫之職業使用\nUber-8、Uber-9所獲得的職業寶石並無分別

Socket {0} gem for a {1}% stat boost to that Gem.
鑲嵌 {0} 寶石以獲得該寶石{1}%屬性加成\n鑲嵌後的寶石需要使用Re-Gemerators來拆除

Find Gems rarely from Dungeons in Fae Forest (or higher) Prime worlds, or reliably from Dungeons in Elemental worlds.\n\nFind Empowered Gems rarely from Gem Booster Boxes in the Store for Cubits or Credits, or for Lunar Souls at the Shadowy Market.
在Uber-1以上的世界裡透過完成副本來獲取寶石,元素世界提供更穩定的寶石來源。\n\nGem Booster Boxes有低機率可以獲得大寶石

Find Cosmic Gems from Dungeon bosses and mini-bosses in Geode Topside worlds.\n\nFind Empowered Cosmic Gems rarely from Gem Booster Boxes in the Store for Cubits or Credits, or for Lunar Souls at the Shadowy Market.
在Geode地表世界完成副本或擊敗小王獲得宇宙寶石,\n\n大宇宙寶石箱(Empowered Cosmic Gems)可從商城以金幣(Cubit)或彩幣(Credit)購買寶石加成素材箱(Gem Booster Box)或在暗影商店(Shadowy Market)以月魂(Lunar Soul)購得\n\n已鑲嵌的寶石需從商城購買Re-Gemerator來拆除