August 14, 2023
Talk to Taigam in the Hub
A Battle of Fire and Ice 5/11: Trovian, are you in the Frozen Vaults? Oh no, it’d be great if you weren’t there. Some people in the Hub have been saying you were seen talking to Trycrys, this could get bad. You should head back to the Events Area of the Hub and speak with Taigam and get ahead of this before things get bad.
Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Collect Smoldering Marks
A Battle of Fire and Ice 6/11: Outrageous, unacceptable, unforgivable! Trovian, what have you done? You dare attack the might of the Rime Wardens? You must know that should we wish it all of Trove would freeze. We- I’m sorry, my rage can at times be limitless. I suspect Trcyrys duped you into attacking us. Well two can play that game.
He was probably subtle, devious, or coy. Well I was there when the truce was made, and there was nothing said about hiring others to fight for us. I’ll be blunt, go cause a ruckus for them and I’ll reward you handsomely. Collect Smoldering Marks as proof.
Smoldering Clutch enemies can be found in the SMOLDERING VAULTS the DRAGONFIRE PEAKS.
Craft at the Frozen Anvil
A Battle of Fire and Ice 7/11: It’s been so long since there were any Smoldering Marks for us to fuel our Frozen Anvils with. You should come back to the hub and give it a try.
Craft something at the Frozen Anvil in the Events Area of the Hub.
Defeat Smoldering Vaults Bosses
A Battle of Fire and Ice 8/11: The anvils work again, perfect. As the Rimedrake says, ‘It’s not so much about how you say something as much as how much you’ll pay.’ You should find some of their leaders in the bottom of the SMOLDERING VAULTS and give them a little taste of their own medicine.
Defeat a Boss in the SMOLDERING VAULTS found in the DRAGONFIRE PEAKS.
Talk to Qubesly in the Hub
A Battle of Fire and Ice 9/11: Now you’re in the Smoldering Vaults?! You’re not making things better Trovian! Ahhh, it took so long to work this out last time, but it looks like it’s up to me again. Head back to the Hub and speak with me, I should be able to figure this out again.
Press [HK:Loot] to interact.