Boomeranger Blowup

Final Fairy
Final Blow

Boomeranger can equip ether a bow or sword. Basic attacks and abilities change based on what weapon the Boomeranger has equipped. With the Bow equipped basic attacks will shoot Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Bomb Arrows in that order. Fire Arrows deal damage over time, Ice slow enemies, and bomb arrows deal damage in an area. Every 3rd Bow attack provides a cooldown reduction. With the Sword Equipped every 3rd attack summons a cyclone at your location dealing damage over time for a short time and grants the Boomeranger a damage reduction buff. Additionally, a fairy companion will heal the Boomeranger at low health.

Empowered Water Gem for the Boomeranger. Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs. These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
[鷹炸彈]\nBoomeranger限定的水屬性職業寶石\n將大炸彈(Big Bobm)變成鷹炸彈(Bawk-Bomb),丟出時會黏在接觸面並在該區域引爆,並召喚出數隻可存活短時間的小雞攻擊敵人\n僅可鑲嵌一顆同類型寶石

Empowered Fire Gem for the Boomeranger. Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs. These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Boomeranger限定的火屬性職業寶石\n將大炸彈(Big Bobm)變成母雞炸彈(Bawk-Bomb),丟出時會黏在接觸面並在該區域引爆,並召喚出數隻可存活短時間的小雞攻擊敵人\n僅可鑲嵌一顆同類型寶石

Empowered Air Gem for the Boomeranger. Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs. These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Boomeranger限定的天空屬性職業寶石,將大炸彈(Big Bobm)變成母雞炸彈(Bawk-Bomb),丟出時會黏在接觸面並在該區域引爆,並召喚出數隻可存活短時間的小雞攻擊敵人\n僅可鑲嵌一顆同類型寶石

Don't forget you can enter and exit Build Mode by pressing [HK:SwitchInputMode]!

Fully upgrade {0}/{1} max level Stellar Gem stats to 100%
單一恆星寶石屬性完全升級 {0}/{1}

Fully upgrade all stats to 100% on {0}/{1} max level Stellar Gems
{0}/{1} 顆恆星寶石所有屬性升級至最頂

You can earn quick levels completing Adventures and conquering delves. You can change the adventure you are tracking using the Adventures Menu [HK:ActivityTracker].
寶石專技任務 10/45:你可以透過在炸彈殺裡獲勝、在霓虹城市(Neon City)的副生態路米諾波利斯(Luminopolis)完成前哨站冒險任務(Outpost Adventures)以及征服暗影塔來快速獲得經驗值。你可以按下[HK:ActivityTracker]來更改畫面右上角要顯示的追蹤任務

You can earn quick levels from completing Adventures and conquering delves. You can change the adventure you are tracking using the Adventures Menu [HK:ActivityTracker].
寶石專技任務 14/45:你可以透過炸彈殺(Bomber Royale)、完成霓虹城市·路米諾波利斯的前哨站(Outpost)已經征服暗影塔快速獲得經驗值,可以按下[HK:ActivityTracker]來更改正在追蹤顯示的任務