Deep Dragons Hotfix 1
Meet Qubesly in the Hub
在 HUB大廳 與 Qubesly [庫柏斯利] 會合
St. Qubeslick's Feast 1/7: Trovian! How is your stomach? I have some plans this year for St. Qubeslick! Meet me in the hub!
聖庫柏斯利2021 1/7:哈囉!你的腸胃還好嗎?今年的聖庫柏斯利我有些計畫!快來HUB大廳找我!
Collect St. Qubeslick's Sevenspice
收集聖庫柏斯利的 Sevenspice [七香料]
St. Qubeslick's Feast 2/7: Check out my wares! And my costume! Aren't I amazing? I know, I know, thank you! This year I wanted to teach you how to bake the Feast of St. Qubeslick! The first step of the recipe is the fabled Sevenspice of St. Qubeslick! I've got enough to get you started, but it comes from the TREASURE ISLES biome in Adventure Worlds!
聖庫柏斯利2021 2/7:快看看我的裝備!還有我的服裝!我看起來很棒對吧!對吧對吧,我知道~謝謝你啦!今年我想要教你如何烹飪聖庫柏斯利節的盛宴!食譜的第一步驟是聖庫柏斯利節寓言中的 Sevenspice [七香料]!我已經先幫你收集一些好讓你開始,但你還是可以從冒險世界中的 Trreasure Isles [藏寶群島] 生態地形獲得
Collect Washed Totter Tates
收集 Washed Totter Tates [洗好的馬鈴薯]
St. Qubeslick's Feast 3/7: Next step? Starch! I mean Totter Tates! I've been authorized to sell you some, but I need to be honest, it would be MUCH cheaper if you could source the Totter Tates yourself. There's even a sink you can use behind my chair to wash 'em! If you don't have a green thumb, consider checking the MARKETPLACE.
聖庫柏斯利2021 3/7:下一步呢?澱粉!啊我是說 Totter Tates [馬鈴薯]!我已經被授權賣你更多馬鈴薯了,但我必須向你坦承,如果你能自己找到馬鈴薯的話,那肯定是更便宜的。你甚至可以用我椅子後面的水槽來洗馬鈴薯!如果你的園藝等級還沒達到 Green Thumb [綠拇指],你可以考慮看看拍賣場
St. Qubeslick's Feast 4/7: Now that you've got the ingredients, you can cook it right up on this Min-E Bake Oven next to me!
聖庫柏斯利2021 4/7:現在你有食材了,你可以用我旁邊的 Min-E Bake Oven [麥依烘焙烤箱] 來烘焙了!