June 4 - 2020
Blue Font of Knowledge
Blue Font of Knowledge
Can be traded to Qubesly to choose a Sunfest House, if you don't already have one.
如果你還沒有選擇陣營的話,可用來與 Qubesly [庫柏斯利] 交易並選擇加入一 Sunfest House [太陽祭陣營]
Brown and sticky.\n\nEarned by defeating Shadow-y Pinatas while representing a Sunfest House that has been tasked with rebuilding the fire. All Sticks are used whenever the fire is rebuilt.
[木棍]\咖啡色的木棒\n\n透過代表一 Sunfest House [太陽祭陣營] 並接取重建營火任務,擊敗 Shadow-y Pinatas [暗影皮那塔] 時獲得。所有的木棍都將在營火重建時消耗掉
Golden Ticket Chest 2020
Golden Ticket Chest 2020
Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a chance at exciting prizes including Super Mount Stashes, and rarely, a Hyper Pinata Ex mount or a Gold Companion Egg.
[黃金票寶箱 2020]\n讓我們來慶祝 Sunfest [太陽祭] 吧!開啟有機率獲得令人興奮的獎勵!\n如:Super Mount Stashes [超級寵物箱] 以及超稀有的 Hyper Pinata Ex [超級皮納塔EX] 或 Gold Companion Egg [黃金夥伴蛋]
Enterprising Novella
Enterprising Novella
Press [HK:Loot] to see what you can can buy!
Take pride in yourself and help Amberine uncover prismatic secrets.
為你自己感到驕傲並協助 Amberine [安柏琳] 揭露稜角分明的秘密
Sunfest Spirit Packs