June 4 - 2020
Consume all Restless Souls to attract Skellittles to fight for you. If you already have 6 Skellittles your excess Restless Souls will instead choose a Skellittle to possess for 30 seconds, causing them to take and deal increased damage.
Decorative. This delicate Fae flower will only bloom in the presence of blue torch light.
Decorative. This delicate Fae flower requires green torch light to grown.
Decorative. This delicate Fae flower requires gentle pink torch light to flourish.
Decorative. The green neonodes of the Neon City repair and upgrade nearby robots via streams of nano-weaverbots. Requires green torch light to mature.
Decorative. These cybernetic organelles dot the landscape of the Neon City, gradually recharging nearby robots via microwaves. Requires red torch light to mature.
Decorative. Power Cores are scattered throughout the Neon City, where nearby robots can access them easily for a quick supercharge. Requires blue torch light to mature.
裝飾品。Power Cores are scattered throughout the Neon City, where nearby robots can access them easily for a quick supercharge. 需要藍色光才能生長
You defeated {0} in {1} this week!
你本週以 {1} 擊敗了{0}並獲得獎勵 {2} {3}!
獎勵:{0} {1}
You must be Power Rank {0} or higher to gain loot.
你的PR必須要 {0} 以上才能撿到物品與獎勵