June 4 - 2020
Change your look at the Barbershop
Splendid Summer 1/7: Hi Trovian, its your old pal, Amberine! I heard tell that its Splendid Summer again and wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself! Change up your look at the barbershop to look sharp this summer!
Throw Confetti Balls to Celebrate yourself!
Splendid Summer 2/7: Wow, you look incredible. Strike a pose and throw some confetti balls to show the world how good it is to be YOU! If you're running low on excitement, you can always craft more confetti balls at the Radiant Dayspring.
Check out the Radiant Dayspring
Splendid Summer 3/7: I heard tell that there is some sort of situation happening over at the Radiant Dayspring. Head to the statue in the Trove Hub and let me know what you find.
Craft a Prismatic Essense
Splendid Summer 4/7: Prismatic? Like a Dragon?? Craft that Prismatic Essense and lets see what we can make of this!
Use Prismatic Essense
Splendid Summer 5/7: Use the essense Trovian, use it!