
Defeat 3 Delve Bosses

Dive down deep into a Delve and defeat 3 of the bosses within.

Obtain a Chaos Chest from creatures or dungeons in Adventure Worlds. Remember, I only count looted chests.
從冒險世界的生物身上獲取2個渾沌箱(Chaos Chest),渾沌箱會從冒險世界的任何生物身上隨機掉落,必須為不可交易的渾沌箱

Final New Player Daily Login Bonus!
新玩家每日登入獎勵 (第七天)

Turns you into a ghost, which reduces damage taken by 90% and causes your primary attacks to affect all nearby enemies and Skellittles. Banshee's Boon rapidly depletes your energy and ends when energy reaches 0.
[女妖恩賜]\n將你變成鬼魂減少 90%承受傷害,同時普通攻擊將對周圍敵人及小骷髏造成傷害\n[女妖恩賜] 將會快速的消耗你的能量,並在能量為0時結束技能

The Tomb Raiser passively attracts Restless Souls periodically and upon slaying enemies, up to a maximum of three. Attracting Restless Souls also draws in Skellittles, up to a maximum of 6. Basic attacks heal the Tomb Raiser for a small amount of the damage done.
[靈魂召喚者]\nTomb Raiser被動地每隔一段時間吸引一個焦躁不安的靈魂,最多同時擁有三個靈魂。吸引焦躁不安的靈魂的同時亦會吸引小骷髏,最多6名小骷髏。普通攻擊會回復少量生命

Gather the Restless Souls possessing your Skellittles to summon a Grave Goliath! The more Skellittles that are possessed, the stronger the Grave Goliath is.
[墓場巨人]\n收集焦躁不安的靈魂附身小骷髏來召喚 [墓場巨人]!被附身的小骷髏越多,[墓場巨人] 越強大

Summons a friendly Banshee to heal your Skellittles and that turns into a Restless Soul on death. Also turns you into a ghost, which reduces damage taken by 90% and causes your primary attacks to affect all nearby enemies and Skellittles. Banshee's Boon rapidly depletes your energy and ends when energy reaches 0.
[女妖恩賜]\n召喚女妖來治癒小骷髏,死亡時變成焦躁不安的靈魂。\n將你變成鬼魂減少 90%承受傷害,同時普通攻擊將對周圍敵人及小骷髏造成傷害\n[女妖恩賜] 將會快速的消耗你的能量並在能量為0時結束技能

Produces 10 Chaos Chests when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
[混沌法典]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 10 個 Chaos Chests [混沌箱],1週僅可使用1次\n可透過 Store [商城] 購買

Produces 25 Dragon Coins when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
[龍幣文摘]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 25 個 Dragon Coins [龍幣],1週僅可使用1次\n可透過 Store [商城] 購買