Into the Deep
Collect Fire Gem Boxes from Igneous Islands. Fire Gem Boxes can drop from dungeon bosses or world bosses.
在Uber 7或更高階的火世界(Igneous Islands)收集Relic等級或更高階的火寶石箱,火寶石箱可從副本Boss或世界Boss身上取得
Collect a Chaos Chest
收集渾沌箱(Chaos Chest)
Obtain Chaos Chests from Adventure Worlds.
從冒險世界的生物身上獲取一些渾沌箱(Chaos Chest)
Trigger Magic Find
觸發掉寶稀有度(Magic Find)
The Resistors need resources! Mine some Shapestone for their cause. Shapestone ore is purple in color and can be found on or below the surface in most Trovian Adventure Worlds.
反抗軍需要資源!在霓虹城市(Neon City)挖掘紫礦(Shapestone)
The Resistors need resources! Mine Primordial Flame for their cause. Primordial Flame is an orange and black ore that can be found in Neon City and the Dragonfire Peaks. Primordial Flame ore can also rarely be found within Shapestone, Formicite, and Infinium ore veins.
反抗軍需要資源!在霓虹城市(Neon City)挖掘火礦(Primordial Flame)
Defeat Enemies of the Resistors in the Luminopolis region of Neon City.
在霓虹城市(Neon City)的Luminopolis區域擊敗10隻敵人
Defeat Enemies of the Resistors in the Luminopolis region of Neon City.
在霓虹城市(Neon City)的Luminopolis區域擊敗10隻敵人
Super Punchbots can be found as a boss in the Dungeons of Neon City.
超級拳擊機器人Boss(Super Punchbot)可在霓虹城市(Neon City)的副本找到
Super Punchbots can be found as a boss in the Dungeons of Neon City.
超級拳擊機器人Boss(Super Punchbot)可在霓虹城市(Neon City)的副本找到