Bomber Royale - Season 2
Be the light! I apologize for my rudeness the last time we spoke. Shadows have hurt quite a lot of Geodian creatures... and it, well, it's been difficult.\n\nI am Sunseeker Gabbro. I wrote the book on Geodian creatures - several books, in fact! They're such fascinating creatures.\n\nCould you go and soothe 25 creatures in the caves with Critter Treats, Comfort Blankets, and Curing Kits? I, and they, would be grateful.
成為照亮黑暗的光明吧!我為上次對話時我的魯莽道歉,暗影已經傷害了太多Geode星球到生物了..然後..這...真的是一段很難熬的時間\n\n我是逐日者加保羅(Gabbro),我寫了好幾本關於Geode星球生物的書,牠們真的好迷人\n\n你可以替我到洞窟裡用雞腿(Critter Treats)、保暖毯(Comfort Blankets)及醫療包(Curing Kits)安撫25隻小動物嗎?牠們和我都由衷的感激你
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
Can be purchased on occasion from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.