Subterranean Scramble Daily 3/3: I didn't mean to run off but Diggsly just wasn't listening. I've uncovered something promising in these caves; Promising Eggs! Go find some Companion Eggs and see if you can uncover something special. The deeper you dive the more likley you are to find Promising Companion Eggs in Lairs. If you see me again, I may want any Eggs instead, so keep an eye out!
地底大混亂每日 3/3:我不是故意要逃走的,但地鼠就是不肯聽。我已經在這些洞窟裡面找到希望了:奇蹟蛋!去尋找一些夥伴蛋並看看你能不能找到更特別的蛋,你越深入越容易找到奇蹟夥伴蛋,如果你再次看到我,我可能會想要那顆奇蹟蛋,所以睜大你的眼睛!

Find Promising Companion Eggs

Find Promising Companion Eggs in Geode Cave Lairs.

Subterranean Scramble Daily 2/3: I didn't mean to run off but Diggsly just wasn't listening. I've uncovered something promising in these caves; Promising Eggs! Go find some Companion Eggs and see if you can uncover something special. The deeper you dive the more likley you are to find Promising Companion Eggs in Lairs. If you see me again, I may want Promising Eggs instead, so keep an eye out!
地底大混亂每日 2/3:我不是故意要逃走的,但地鼠就是不肯聽。我已經在這些洞窟裡面找到希望了:奇蹟蛋!去尋找一些夥伴蛋並看看你能不能找到更特別的蛋,你越深入越容易找到奇蹟夥伴蛋,如果你再次看到我,我可能會想要那顆奇蹟蛋,所以睜大你的眼睛!

Find Companion Eggs

Find Companion Eggs in Geode Cave Lairs.

Subterranean Scramble Daily 1/3: I'm so upset Trovian, my Shadow was trying to tell me something and I didn't listen... and now hes just GONE. The only thing that can cheer me up at a time like this is mining. Go mine some ore to help remind me what its like to have fun again.
地底大混亂每日 1/3:我好難過,我的影子嘗試著告訴我一些事情但我沒有聽...他現在不見了!這時候能提起我精神的只有挖礦了,去挖些礦來幫我提起精神,讓我回想起快樂的感覺

Mine Ore

Mine ore to cheer Diggsly up.