Sunfest 2019 1/8: Hi Trovian, it's me, Qubesly. It should be a happy Sunfest, but we are under attack. Come meet up with me in the hub to select a House to represent for Sunfest.
太陽祭 2019 1/8:哈囉,又是我庫柏斯利!這原本應該是個很歡樂的太陽祭,但我們正遭受攻擊。來Hub大廳找我並選擇一個要代表太陽祭的房子
Select a Banner in the Hub
Sunfest 2019 2/8: The Sun Goddess Statue is under attack from invaders! Quickly, equip your banner, Trovian.
太陽祭 2019 2/8:太陽女神雕像正遭受入侵者的攻擊!快把你的旗幟裝備起來
Equip your Banner
Sunfest 2019 3/8: Ah, Trovian, you look ready to come to the aid of the Sun Goddess. Now that you have your banner flying, you should be able to talk to your House Champion and help them defend and repair the Sun Goddess Statue.
太陽祭 2019 3/8:啊,你看起來已經準備好要協助太陽女神了。你已經讓你的旗幟飄揚了,你應該可以與你的房主說話並協助他們防禦和修理太陽女神雕像
Talk to your House Champion
Sunfest 2019 4/8: Welcome to our House, Trovian! A terrible fate has befallen us and we need your help. I have provided you an adventure to defeat Roaming Pinata Invaders. Please take care of these intruders and recollect the coins they have stolen from our treasury.
太陽祭 2019 4/8:歡迎來到我的房子!很糟糕的事情降臨在我們身上,我們需要你的協助。請你前去擊敗四處遊蕩的皮那塔入侵者並回收他們從我們金庫偷走的硬幣
Collect House Coins
Sunfest 2019 5/8: Thank you for your assistance. While you can spend your House Coins with our Purveyor to buy new goodies for yourself, the House would really appreciate it if you donated your coins back to our treasury at the Donation Station. Qubesly said that sometimes Pinatas show up for donors, so donate early and donate often!
太陽祭 2019 5/8:真的太感謝你的協助了!你可以用硬幣向我們的商人購買最新最好的商品,若你決定直接將硬幣捐回給我們的金庫,我們將感謝你幫助我們脫離又老又窮的窘境。庫伯斯利說有時候捐獻者會獲得皮那塔,所以儘早捐噢!
Donate to the Defense Effort