Place this kit to build a temporary Habitat perfect for Flowerbed Faeries.
After this Habitat is fully constructed it has a daily chance to attract an ally.
Flowerbed Faerie Habitat Kit
Flowerbed Faerie Habitat Kit
Place this kit to build a temporary Habitat perfect for Purple Glowbugs.
After this Habitat is fully constructed it has a daily chance to attract an ally.
Purple Glowbug Habitat Kit
Purple Glowbug Habitat Kit
Place this kit to build a temporary Habitat perfect for Drones of Yzzuli.
After this Habitat is fully constructed it has a daily chance to attract an ally.
Yzzuli's Drone Habitat Kit
Yzzuli's Drone Habitat Kit
Place this kit to build a temporary Habitat perfect for Appleshell Snail.
After this Habitat is fully constructed it has a daily chance to attract an ally.
Appleshell Snail Habitat Kit
Appleshell Snail Habitat Kit
Yields one Primal Blue cube when mature.
採收後獲得Primal Blue方塊
Blue Cubesettia Seed
Blue Cubesettia Seed