Used to open Locked Adventurine Strongboxes
[冒險幣強擊寶箱鑰匙]\n用來開啟 Locked Adventurine Strongboxes [上鎖的冒險幣強擊寶箱]

Adventurine Strongbox Key
Adventurine Strongbox Key

Use this key on an Everdark Vault.\n\nEverdark Vaults appear in the Shores of the Everdark after winning a battle in a colosseum.\n\nThis key grants an Empowered Gem for the ACTIVE CLASS at the time of use.
[職業寶石鑰匙]\n僅能用來開啟 Everdark Vault [永夜寶箱]\n\n在 Shores of the Everdark [永夜海岸] 於鬥獸場中獲勝後即會出現永夜寶箱\n使用此鑰匙開啟寶箱可獲得1顆恆星職業大寶石,該職業寶石僅可給開啟寶庫之職業使用\nUber-8、Uber-9所獲得的職業寶石並無分別

Class Gem Key
Class Gem Key

Delve Shadowkeys can open Shadowy Soul Vaults for great rewards, sometimes found after defeating Delve bosses. They can also be used in Shadow Towers for lesser rewards.
[掘獄暗影鑰匙]\n[掘獄暗影鑰匙]係用來開啟 Shadowy Soul Vaults [暗影靈魂寶庫] 來獲得超棒獎勵,有機率於擊敗掘獄Boss後獲得。此鑰匙亦可在暗影塔內使用來獲得稍少的獎勵

Delve Shadowkey
Delve Shadowkey

Use this key on an Everdark Vault.\n\nEverdark Vaults appear in the Shores of the Everdark after winning a battle in a colosseum.\n\nThis key grants two Shaper's Stars if used in Uber-8 and three in Uber-9.
[薛普之星鑰匙]\n僅能用來開啟 Everdark Vault [永夜寶箱]\n\n在 Shores of the Everdark [永夜海岸]於鬥獸場中獲勝後即會出現永夜寶箱\n在Uber-8開啟可獲得2枚Shaper's Stars\nUber-9則可獲得3枚

Shaper's Star Key
Shaper's Star Key

Use this key on a Leviathan Vault to claim your rewards.
[利維坦鑰匙]\n用來開啟 Leviathan Vault [利維坦寶箱] 獲得獎勵

Leviathan Key
Leviathan Key