Delictable and light, this snack is coveted by bosses within Delves. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.
[加壓洞窟海帶]\n輕巧可愛,此零食是掘獄Boss所夢寐以求的\n常見於 Heavy Pressurized Chests [高壓力箱] 內

Pressurized Cave Kelp
Pressurized Cave Kelp

Rich with nutrients, a certain amount of pressure is required for this naturally occurring, pudding-like snack to congeal. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.
[洞窟煉乳]\n富含營養,需要一定的壓力才會自然生成,凝結成像布丁般的零食\n常見於 Heavy Pressurized Chests [高壓力箱] 內

Condensed Cave Milk
Condensed Cave Milk

Only the deepest of Delves have the right environments for the formation of this splendid snack. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.
[無範圍電解晶體]\n只有掘獄深處才有適當的環境形成這璀璨的零食\n常見於 Heavy Pressurized Chests [高壓力箱] 內

Freerange Electrolytic Crystals
Freerange Electrolytic Crystals