Crafting Material. Use at the Mount Crafting Bench to craft a griffon mount.\n\nFound very rarely in Cursed Skylands worlds.
[獅鳩獸護身符]\n製作素材,在 Mount Crafting Bench [坐騎工作臺] 用來製獅鳩獸作系列坐騎\n\n在 Cursed Skylands [詛咒空島] 稀有機率獲得
Crafting Material. Use at the Mount Crafting Bench to craft a llama mount.\n\nFound very rarely in all adventure worlds.
[羊駝護身符]\n製作素材,在 Mount Crafting Bench [坐騎工作臺] 用來製作羊駝系列坐騎\n\n在所有冒險世界稀有機率獲得
Crafting Material. Use at the Mount Crafting Bench to craft a panda mount.\n\nFound very rarely in Pure Midnight (11) and higher adventure worlds.
[熊貓護身符]\n製作素材,在 Mount Crafting Bench [坐騎工作臺] 用來製作熊貓系列坐騎\n\n在Uber-8及以上的冒險世界稀有機率獲得
Crafting Material. Use at the Mount Crafting Bench to craft a rat mount.\n\nFound very rarely in Pure Midnight (11) and higher adventure worlds.
[老鼠護身符]\n製作素材,在 Mount Crafting Bench [坐騎工作臺] 用來製作老鼠系列坐騎\n\n在Uber-8及以上的冒險世界稀有機率獲得
Crafting Material. Use at the Mount Crafting Bench to craft a shmeep mount.\n\nFound very rarely in Pure Midnight (11) and higher adventure worlds.
[綿羊護身符]\n製作素材,在 Mount Crafting Bench [坐騎工作臺] 用來製作綿羊系列坐騎\n\n在Uber-8及以上的冒險世界稀有機率獲得
A clean-cut slice of slimy, shuddering shadow. Will rot after a while.
Tentacle Slice
Tentacle Slice
Forging Material.\n\nFound by defeating invaders and by Loot Collecting rare equipment.
[庫蘇魯觸手]\n鍛造素材\n\n透過擊敗 Invaders [天降入侵者] 或分解稀有裝備獲得
Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.
Titan Soul - Rare Crafting Material. Obtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.\n\nLunar Soul - Rare Crafting Material. Obtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.