Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nHangs down from the ceilings in Tiers 2-4 of Moonglow Grotto.
[倒掛樹皮]\n倒掛在2~4階 Moonglow Grotto [月光石窟] 的天花板上

Geode Cave Crafting Material.\n\nScavenged from the deepest corners of Tier 5 of the Geode caves.
[古老齒輪]\nGeode [桔歐德] 洞窟製作素材\n\n散落在5階Geode洞窟的深處

A glowing component of Ancient physiology, used to emit energy and manipulate matter from a distance.

Spend with the Battle Broker to unlock arena rewards. The Battle Broker can be found in the Battle Station in the Trove Hub.\n\nEarned by competing in non-Bomber Royale PVP.
[競技場幣]\n在Hub大廳的競技場傳送門旁用來向競技商人購買並解鎖競技場收藏\n\n透過遊玩非 Bomber Royale [炸彈殺] PVP獲得

Crafting Material. Tendrils of deepest shadow, forged into inextricable fetters. Used at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench to craft Gems Augments.\n\nObtained in Gem Booster Boxes and rarely from World Bosses.
[束縛黑暗]\n由最深處的暗影捲曲纏繞而成無法解開的製做素材,製作 Contained Chaos Spark [抑制混沌火花] 的材料,用來重置1寶石屬性\n\n可從寶石加成素材箱獲得,或是從任何世界Boss稀有機率掉落

A form of cryptocurrency favoured by lovers of canines.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.

A form of cryptocurrency favoured by sky-high rollers.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.

A form of cryptocurrency favoured by night owls and loons.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.

A form of cryptocurrency favoured by anarchists and those who rage against the established order.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.

A form of cryptocurrency favoured by those who like to clean-sweep the exchanges.\n\nFound very rarely in Neon City, Luminopolis ore veins.