Produces 35 Ancient Gears when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
[古老齒輪典籍]\n完成副本、競技場及炸彈殺累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 35 個 Ancient Gears [古老齒輪],1週僅可使用1次

Produces 5 Auric Arrays when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.
[黃金陣列年鑑]\n完成副本、競技場及炸彈殺累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予5個 Auric Arrays [黃金陣列],1週僅可使用1次

Produces 40 Big Bombs when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
[花火製造書]\n完成副本、競技場及炸彈殺累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 40 個 Big Bombs [大炸彈],1週僅可使用1次

Produces 100 Jade Clovers when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
[幸運草日誌]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 100 個 Jade Clovers [幸運草],1週僅可使用1次\n可透過 Store [商城] 購買

Produces 5 Bound Brilliance when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
[縛光器之書]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予5個 Bound Brilliance [縛光器],1週僅可使用1次\n可在 Adventurer's Crafting Bench [冒險者工作檯] 製作

Produces 35 Builderite when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
[布德瑞礦小冊子]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 35 個 Builderite [布德瑞礦],1週僅可使用1次\n可在 Crystallogy Workbench [水晶學工作檯] 製作

Produces 10 Chaos Chests when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
[混沌法典]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 10 個 Chaos Chests [混沌箱],1週僅可使用1次\n可透過 Store [商城] 購買

Produces 5 Charged Circuits when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at a Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
[充電原理圖]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 5 個 Charged Circuits [充能迴路],1週僅可使用1次\n可在霓虹城市的副生態Luminopolis [路米諾波利斯] 尋找 Resistor Workbench [反抗軍工作檯] 製作

Produces 40 Cinnabar when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
[硃砂鑒賞書]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予 40 個 Cinnabar [硃砂]\n可在 Runecrafting Bench [符文工作檯] 製作

Produces 25 Bomber Royale Coins: Season Two when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Bomber Bench.
[炸彈殺手冊:第二季]\n完成副本、桔歐德洞窟及掘獄都將充能累積經驗值,當累積滿時給予5個 Bomber Royale Coins: Season Two [炸彈殺硬幣:第二季],1週僅可使用1次\n可向 Bomber Royale Merchant [炸彈殺商人]