Collect Air Gem Boxes from Cursed Skylands. Air Gem Boxes can drop from dungeon bosses or world bosses.
在Uber 5以上的詛咒空島(Cursed Skylands)獲取Epic以上階級的天空寶石箱,天空寶石箱會從副本Boss或世界Boss身上掉落

Collect Air Gem Boxes

Collect Air Gem Boxes from Cursed Skylands.
在詛咒空島(Cursed Skylands)獲取Epic以上階級的天空寶石箱

Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat Dracolich bosses. They can be found inside dungeons. They're very scary.
前往冒險世界的永凍霜原(Permafrost)擊敗Dracolich Boss,可以在副本內找到他們,他們超可怖的!

Defeat Dracoliches

Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat Dracolich bosses. They can be found inside dungeons.
前往冒險世界的永凍霜原(Permafrost)擊敗Dracolich Boss,可以在副本內找到他們

Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat Yetis. Sadly my bros have become corrupted by the shadow and must be defeated instead of fistbumped.

Defeat Yeti

Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat several Yeti.

The Killtron Shootfacers are some of the most agressive supporters of the Amperium. They can be found in dungeons throughout Neon City. Victory to the Resistors!
Killtron Shootfacers是Amperium最激進的助手,可以在霓虹城市(Neon City)的副本內找到他們,反抗軍萬歲!