Contribute Clubits here to help your Club purchase, upgrade, and upkeep Club Fixtures. Every little bit helps!
Press [HK:Loot] to donate.
Club Vault
Used to store Clubits to help your Club purchase, upgrade, and upkeep Club Fixtures. Every little bit helps!
Club Vault
Items placed inside can be taken out by any other player.\n\nWARNING: Items placed in a Community Chest won't stick around forever!\n\nPress [HK:Loot] to use.
Additional inventory accessible from any personal chest.
Press [HK:ClassChanger] to access the Class Selector
Press [HK:NavigationMenu] to access the Class Selector (under CHARACTER)
Press [HK:Loot] to teleport to a random player in the same world. Hold [HK:Loot] to toggle allowing players to teleport to you.
Rally Blade