When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in PERMAFROST Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Permafrost will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>You may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.</font>

BUFF: Permafrost Manahunter

When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in CURSED VALE Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Cursed Vale will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>You may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.</font>

BUFF: Cursed Vale Manahunter

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