
Hubdate Hotfix 8

Peetza has shown up near the Sun Goddess Statue in the hub and it looks like they could use a little help!

Talk to Peetza, The Delivery Bird in the Hub

Hey there sport, I'm Peetza and I am TRYING to deliver this pizza to someone named Corruxion in the hub. The trouble is, I can't find them. The delivery instructions say "Head down into LIGHT'S DEN, hop into the lava and turn around. You can find me in the building below where Luxion Lands. If you die from the lava, you've gone too far." The trouble is I can't read the signs to find "LIGHT'S DEN". Will you take this pizza for me? Corruxion already paid and tipped on the phone so anything they give you is yours to keep.

Deliver a Pizza to Corruxion in Light's Den

Fowl Fancies

This limited time pack unlocks the Crawn and Gawdorbs allies, the Twigler mount, and the exclusive Gobbler's Guise, Cornucopia, and Capotain Commander Costumes. Get them before they're all gobbled up!

Crabby Cabbage

Might seem a bit crabby, but always available to help out with a pinch