
Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Crystal Water Gems.\n\nGained from Loot Collecting Crystal Water Gems.

Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Crystal Cosmic Gems.\n\nGained from Loot Collecting Crystal Cosmic Gems.

Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Crystal Fire Gems.\n\nGained from Loot Collecting Crystal Fire Gems.

Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Crystal Air Gems.\n\nGained from Loot Collecting Crystal Air Gems.

Crafting Material. Depending on the magnification factor of your eyes, these lil' friendlies can be surprisingly cute! Found in the Ashen Wastes layer of the Sundered Uplands, and valued by the Fungi Scrollpeddlers and Thingshapers that frequent the region.

Crafting Material. Used to Level Up Crystal Gems and craft rare items. Crafted at the Sundered Uplands bench.

Crafting Material.\n\nA common, dense ore found in the Ashen Wastes layer of the Sundered Uplands.

Crafting Material.\n\nA common, energy-laden ore found in the Cloud Layer of the Sundered Uplands.

Crafting Material. Usually Claimed weekly after finishing BOSS waves in 5-star Dungeons in the Sundered Uplands, can also be found within Unstable Sunder-Ark Caches and Sundered Uplands Caches.

Crafting Material. Its eerie, irregular clicks and hums give no clue to its purpose or origin. Found rarely in the Ashen Wastes layer of the Sundered Uplands.